Town of Pageland Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Town of Pageland contracted Davis & Floyd’s water resources team to evaluate wastewater treatment options in a Rural Development Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and provide design, permitting, bidding, and construction-phase services for the selected solution to meet Pageland’s future sewer needs.
The project consisted of consolidating both existing Southeast and Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) into a new 1.5 MGD facility with a 12” transfer force main to connect the facilities. The team determined during the PER that consolidating the two existing treatment plants into one was the most cost-effective option.
Our team designed the new 1,300 GPM influent pump station, 1,000 GPM transfer pump station, and 17,700 LF of 12”-diameter force main to convey wastewater flow to the Southeast WWTP for treatment by converting the Northwest WWTP existing aeration basin to an equalization basin with a transfer pump station and force main.
During design, we developed a phased construction approach, accommodating construction of a new WWTP within the confines of an existing facility without interrupting the operations. Our engineers phased the construction of the equalization basin, pump station, and transfer force main, ensuring they became operational after the new 1.5 MGD WWTP was complete.
We assisted with project funding technical documents for several funding agencies and successfully helped the Town of Pageland receive a $4.5 million grant from USDA Rural Development. This funding goes towards sewer system improvements as well as the state’s consent order to provide reliable wastewater treatment with future growth.