Revitalizing the Beaufort Plaza
Davis & Floyd provided the surveying, civil engineering, permitting, and construction oversight of the redevelopment of Beaufort Plaza. It is an approximately 30-acre shopping center located at the intersection of Highway 21 and Robert Smalls Parkway in Beaufort, SC.
The shopping center was originally built in the 1970’s and until recently the buildings and site infrastructure were outdated and needed substantial repairs.
The Davis & Floyd team led the planning and permitting effort to update the shopping center, allowing for the construction of a new Publix grocery store and multiple out parcels.
Tenants currently include Chipotle and Urgent Care and more to come! Major site improvements to the Beaufort Plaza involved a full rehabilitation of the 8-acre parking lot with reconfigured access aisles and landscaped islands. There were also major improvements to the stormwater infrastructure including a new wet detention pond for stormwater treatment.