Westbound US 76 serves as one of the primary evacuation routes from the Pee Dee region and carries over 17,000 vehicles per day. The 2,300’ US 76 westbound bridge over Wateree River is structurally deficient and does not meet current standards for shoulder width. 2,196 square miles of the 5,485-square-mile watershed are located within the state boundaries and drain approximately 7% of South Carolina to the site.

Routine South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) bridge inspections found settlement and cracking, reducing traffic to one lane on the existing bridge. SCDOT and Davis & Floyd coordinated to accelerate roadway design for the proposed eastbound bridge detour.

The bridge will be replaced along the existing alignment to avoid impacting the existing boat ramp to the south and designated mitigation area to the north. Replacement will require transition of westbound traffic to the eastbound roadway and bridge during construction. The Wateree River will require 2D hydraulic modeling and detailed scour analysis.


  • 2D Modeling
  • Bridge & Seismic QA/QC
  • Bridge Design
  • Environmental Services
  • Field Surveys
  • Hydrology & Hydraulic Design
  • Permitting
  • Project Management
  • Roadway Design