Sumter County, in conjunction with the City of Sumter, commissioned Davis & Floyd to assist with the extension of water and sewer service to industrial park sites along US 521 as part of the county’s one percent sales tax program to help prepare the county and city for economic development opportunities to include the Continental Tire manufacturing facility.

We provided complete plans and specifications, applied for permits, and assisted with easement acquisition for the US 521 project. The project included 17,500 LF of 16” and 12” water mains, a 1,200 GPM booster pump station, a 500,000 gallon elevated tank, 4,200 LF of 18” and 15” gravity sewer, 7,300 LF of 14” force main, and a 1,030 GPM triplex sewer pump station.

This project coincided with construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank when the Economic Development Partnership announced the location of Continental Tire to Sumter County. Our team worked closely with the city and county to revise the project design and construction schedule to accommodate the needs of this major industry. We also provided construction-phase services including construction observation to monitor the work by the contractors as construction progressed.


  • Bidding
  • Construction Administration
  • Construction Observation
  • Design
  • Permitting