Davis & Floyd developed construction documents from a conceptual design to create a vibrant urban plaza and streetscapes along North Main Street and East Calhoun Street in downtown Anderson. We collaborated with the project architect, City of Anderson public works staff, and local utility service providers to develop a design with the least impact on underground utilities and relocate above-grade utilities to underground.

The scope of work involved transforming a dilapidated parking lot into a two-tiered plaza with decorative pavers, concrete scoring patterns, underground storm drainage, lighted contemporary bollards, tree planters with steel benches, decorative light poles, and string lights.

Plaza upgrades consisted of the brick paver plaza with four 10” relocated trees, 16’-diameter sculptural fountain, concrete slab for seating, decorative site lighting, artificial turf open space, and retaining wall with steps with parking lot access. In addition to the plaza, the project included major upgrades to 385 LF of North Main Street and 430 LF of East Calhoun Street, such as completely reconfiguring travel lanes and sidewalks to add angled parking spaces, decorative street lighting, crosswalks, accent pavers, bollards, tree planter grates, trees, and uplights.

We provided ADA-compliant routes to all buildings. Major utility upgrades involved removing utility poles and relocating fiber optics lines below grade, adding new trench grates and storm drainpipes, providing structures and upgrading existing storm drain structures, coordinating with Duke Energy to relocate and upgrade underground electrical vaults, and providing sleeves for future utility line expansion.


  • Bidding
  • Civil Engineering
  • Construction Administration
  • Electrical
  • Landscape Architecture