This large-scale water resources project involved installation of 8,261 LF of 24”, 4,028 LF of 12”, 120 LF of 8”, and 175 LF of 6” ductile iron water mains to connect gaps along Greenville Water’s existing network in the congested Donaldson Center area. It also involved installing three 24” inline butterfly valves in a concrete vault as well as hydrants and air release valves. Additionally, the project included resurfacing work on US 25.

Our team coordinated with Greenville Water‘s project manager and engineers to design alignments to avoid wetlands to the extent possible except for open cut installation of the 12” water main under Huff Creek, permitted under the Nationwide Permit program with the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Our engineers worked with Greenville Water’s modeling engineer to provide hydraulic calculations using existing hydraulic models. We also developed the traffic control plan for work in the South Carolina Department of Transportation right-of-way and provided construction inspection services.

As this project crossed over many driveways and utilities, it required frequent, careful coordination with property owners and utility providers during design and construction to keep the project running smoothly. We adjusted plans and bid documents to reflect value-engineered solutions provided by the owner and contractor to meet the owner’s budget. We also developed a design report with calculations for the South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control permit application.


  • Bidding Assistance
  • Construction Administration
  • Construction Observation
  • Design & Construction Documents
  • Field Surveying
  • Permitting
  • Project Closeout
  • Water Main Alignment
  • Wetland Permitting